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SEASON 2019/2020

The Rake's Progress

Stanislavsky Theatre

On September Bogdan Volkov makes the role debut as Tom Rakewell in Simon McBurney's production of the Rake's Progress at Stanislavsky opera theatre.

Magic Flute

Los Angeles Opera

On November 16, 21, 23 and December 01 Bogdan Volkov makes his debut at Los Angeles Opera at Barrie Kosky's production
of  "Magic Flute" by W. A. Mozart.

Betrothal in a Monastery

Staatsoper Unter den Linden

On December 21, 28, 30 2019 and January 02, 04 2020 Bogdan Volkov returns to the Staatsoper Unter den Linden to sing the role of Antonio in Betrothal in a Monastery by S. Prokofiev in production of Dmitri Tcherniakov

Eugene Onegin

Den Norske Opera

Bogdan Volkov makes his debut at The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet singing at the new production of Eugene Onegin by P. Tchaikovsky staged by Christof Loy, music director Lothar Koenigs.
Running 15 February – 8 March 2020

The Rake's Progress

Stanislavsky Theatre

On March 10 and 12 Bogdan Volkov comes back to sing the role of Tom Rakewell in Simon McBurney's production of the Rake's Progress at Stanislavsky opera theatre.

L'Amour des trois oranges

San Carlo 


On May 3,5,7,8 2020 Bogdan Volkov makes his debut at The Teatro di San Carlo as a Prince in the production of Alessandro Talevi 
"The love for three oranges"by S. Prokofiev.


Bayerische Staatsoper


On July  05,  08, 11, 14 2020 Bogdan Volkov makes his debut at Bayerische Staatsoper at the new production of Falstaff by G. Verdi.
Conducted by Kirill Petrenko.

Boris Godunov

Salzburg Festival


On August 20, 23, 25, 28 2020 Bogdan Volkov makes his debut at Salzburg Festival as a Holy Fool in Boris Godunov staged by Christof Loy.

Cosi fan tutte

Salzburg Festival

On August 02, 05, 09, 12, 15, 18 2020 Bogdan Volkov makes his debut at Salzburg Festival as Ferrando in Cosi fan tutte staged by Christof Loy.


Tchaikovsky Concert Hall

On August 25 Bogdan Volkov and pianist Alexander Gindin perform
P.I. Tchaikovsky. Romances. 
Dedicated to the 180th birthday of the composer 
at Moscow Philarmonic.
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